Sunday, January 29, 2006

Loomis girls #1 and #2

I thought this was a cute picture...the things you can do with Play-Doh and a little imagination.

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It's starting to look like a house...

Lots has happened since the last update - the framing will be completely finished this coming week. After the roof is done, things should *really* start moving. Maybe a June 1st move-in date is doable after all ;->

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Nichols Reunion

What a great time that was...2003 in Crisfield, MD. That's Jen on the right in case you couldn't figure it out.

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Our back yard

Here's a shot of our backyard from inside the house. The brick posts will support the back porch. I suppose eventually they will put another house right behind us, so this view will not last forever. Such is the price of suburbia.

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It's amazing what can be built in a few short weeks. The first floor is practically finished - Chad and Betty Ray say it will be another 1.5 weeks or so before the entire house is frammed. Nice.

I realize this is really jumping the gun, but I had to start buying some structured wiring materials. The fun part is the tools - every red blooded American man loves to spend time in Home Depot - present company included. I suppose I won't be able to get in there until the electrician has done his work, which will be another month or so.

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